A Look at Email: A MacSparky Field Guide

My friend and all-around smart guy David Sparks has released his latest MacSparky Field Guide and its subject is something that is near and dear to my heart: email.

As with his prior works, David has put a lot of time, thought, and energy into Email: A MacSparky Field Guide. While it is very Apple-centric, the guide offers practical (and tactical) tips that are useful on any platform. David dives in deep into email, including its inner workings, habits that we need to build (and break), and he even spends some time offering thoughts and overviews on popular email clients and services (such as Sanebox and one of my favourites, AwayFind).

One of the areas David spends a lot of time on in Email: A MacSparky Field Guide is Apple Mail. Long considered to be an underwhelming email client, this guide offers not only a ray of hope for Mail.app, but actually makes a strong case to use it as a primary email client.

There isn’t a more comprehensive guide to email on the market than Email: A MacSparky Field Guide. Chock full of screencasts (36 in all), interviews with some very smart email power users (including some you may not have thought of, like Rob Corddry, Aisha Tyler, and David Wain), and illustrated by Mike Rohde (author of The Sketchnote Handbook and another friend of mine), David Sparks’ latest effort is well worth the $9.99 asking price.

You can get Email: A MacSparky Field Guide for iBooks here and in PDF format (includes all of the media from the iBooks version) here.