Trick and Treat: The New 1Password Emergency Kit

Update: There is a new version of The 1Password Emergency Kit. Visit this post for more details.

It’s Halloween, so I figured that I’d offer you both a trick and a treat today with the release of an updated version of my popular 1Password Emergency Kit.

Now if you’re not using 1Password already, you should be (check out my review for the new Mac version here). Not only does it keep your passwords safe, secure, and accessible to you — it keeps them current as well. And that’s a huge benefit not only for your own efficiency and effectiveness, but for those you trust who may need access to your passwords should something happen to you.

Clearly this isn’t something we plan for, but it can happen. So why not prepare accordingly? With 1Password there to help you with password security and retention, you’ll be able to help ease even a little bit of the stress and pain that comes with any sort of emergency that might incapacitate you. This kit — which is now two full pages — allows you to print off the information that will be required in the instance that you are not able to offer that information yourself. Whatever kind of thing you classify as an emergency, with 1Password and The 1 Password Emergency Kit prepared you’ll have done your due diligence.

Why have I updated the kit? Well, 1Password for Mac and 1Password for iOS have undergone some big changes since I originally published the first version, so it was time. In this version, I’ve added a section that allows you to fill in any shared vault information you have, I’ve altered some of the categories that were initially used, added checkboxes to the PDF (sorry, plain text folks), and finally inserted a spot to put device credentials at the top. At some point i’ll make it look even prettier, but the idea is to get it out there for as many people to use as possible so that if something does happen, you’re ready.

And remember, the team at 1Password doesn’t know your passwords. Only you and the database do. You know your “one password”, and if you’re not able to recall it (or if you’re not available to recall it for someone), there will be a lot of resetting passwords going on instead of focusing on other important matters.

Since we spend so much of our lives online, having a failsafe in place is more than wise…it’s essential. Using this document will give you and those you trust in case of an emergency the peace of mind of knowing that they have every single password-based account you possess, as well as any other personal information you’ve kept in 1Password (such as software licenses and secure notes).

So download the new 1Password Emergency Kit below (either the Plain Text or PDF version), fill it out, and then store it in a safe, secure place. Someplace where your other emergency documents are kept — like your will. Filling in your 1Password Emergency Kit will take very little time, but the amount of time it will save will be huge.

Thanks for checking out (and hopefully downloading) The 1Password Emergency Kit. While I hope you never have to use it, it is a great little tool to have in the event of an emergency.