Respect Your Time

My friend Steve Dotto talks about respecting time as one of the earmarks in his latest endeavour, ProTECHtivity.
He suggests different pieces of tech (apps, devices, etc.) that will support you with that. Ultimately by using technology as an aid, you can find ways to better respect your time. And that’s one benefit technology offers.

Another coup when you respect your time is that you have a better chance of respecting the time of others as well. You reply better. You keep appointments better. You deal with what adversity comes your way better.

But technology only get you so far.

There has to be a foundation in place that the technology can support. If you don’t respect your time and aren’t willing to put forth the effort to become better at that, then the technology won’t be able to do much for you. You’ll end up waiting to get better because of the technology…and it just won’t happen.

Keep in mind that you won’t be the only one that is affected by it, either. Those that you have dealings with – family, friends, clients – will be as well. And that’s not good. Not at all.

Before you dive deep into technology to improve your relationship with time, look deep into yourself first. After all, user error is more common when you just figure the technology should just “work”.

The phrase “garbage in, garbage out” still applies in these cases — so do everything you can to make sure it doesn’t apply to you.