The Productive Macs Bundle is Back

The folks at Productive Macs have assembled another great bundle for Mac users, and the apps they’ve lined up this time around are pretty sweet.
Here’s what you’ll get in the bundle:

  • TextExpander: Save countless keystrokes, time and effort
  • Path Finder: The Finder…reinvented
  • TaskPaper: Stay organized with simple to-do lists
  • Trickster: Your files at your fingertips
  • Concealer: Secure your confidential files and information
  • iDocument: Smart & simple document management
  • DesktopShelves: From chaos to an organized desktop in no time
  • Optimal Layout: The ultimate window manager
  • DiskAid:Transfer files between your iPhone & your Mac

These 9 apps are all going for just $29 for a limited time (the deal wraps up on November 30th), which is a pretty amazing deal.

Admittedly I haven’t used all of these, but TextExpander is a must-have for any Mac user and Path Finder is like Finder on steroids. My friend Patrick Rhone has used TaskPaper, and you can check out his thoughts on the app here. (These three apps alone are worth $100.)

If you want to pick up the Productive Macs bundle for $29 — and kick a few affiliate bucks my way in the process — then click on the banner below.