(So Far)

This past week my credit card was (finally) charged for my backing of Like many others, I got in on the alpha after backing the newest social network on the block, and also like many others I’ve been actively using the service ever since.

But I haven’t but heavily active.

I still use Twitter a whole lot more, although my use of my other social networks has changed since came into the fold – but more on that later. First off, I want to talk about how I’ve been using so far.

When I first got access, I used from within my browser. I got in just as the acronym for “re-post” was introduced by the user base (much like how “retweet” was introduced). The browser interface was simple to use, but I’m not a fan of using social networks within the browser unless I’m using them within Buffer or HootSuite. And since only Buffer supports out of those two services so far, I was itching to try something not browser-based.

Soon enough, that itch was scratched.

Appetizer on the Mac

I love the interface offered by Appetizer. In fact, it makes me miss Tweetbot for Mac all the more (I’ve since rescinded my access to that alpha – and boy, would I love it if Tapbots was to add support once Tweetbot for Mac is released). Appetizer is simple and clean, and since it doesn’t look unappealing I don’t mind having it open on my Mac while I work. This app has kept me from diving back into my browser to use, so that’s a victory right there.

But, like with most other social networks, I tend to use my iOS devices more often than not. That’s why I wanted to be able to beta test some clients for the iPhone and iPad.

Here’s what I’ve been able to test so far…


Felix is an iPhone app built by Tiger Bears that is currently in beta. I like the interface a lot, as it is very intuitive in both look and feel. I have spent more time in this app than in any of the others – regardless of platform – and while it isn’t as feature-rich as some others I’ve seen (as well as the other two I’ve been given beta access to), Felix is really working for me as I dip my toe in the waters of


I honestly thought I’d use my iPad more for interactions, but that really hasn’t been the case. Appesia is a nice enough app, but not nice enough that it has changed the fact that my iPad isn’t a device I’m using for social media all that much anymore. Sure, I still have Tweetbot and Buffer installed on my iPad, but every other social networking app has been relegated to sparse use at best and uninstalled at worst. So Appesia hasn’t been getting much of my attention as a result.

As for my overall use of, I’m not spending a ton of time on there…yet. It’s much like how I treated (and once again treat) Path, but both of them show promise and I will keep plugging away with both. While I’m not bailing on Twitter or Facebook just yet, I’m starting to use each of those services differently. Not necessarily less, but definitely differently.

One of the things I can say about so far is that it has given me a greater awareness of not only what social networks I want to use, but – more importantly – how I want to use them.

And if you want to find me over at, here I am.