My Voice at Northern Voice (and How I Need Your Voice)

I’m on the boat to Vancouver, getting ready for a few days over on the mainland. Tomorrow I’m speaking at Northern Voice 2012, which is a conference for bloggers and the like that is been going for a very long time.

My talk is called Better Blogging Productivity: Making Time for The Write Words and it will feature some companion materials and resources that attendees will be receive that will help them long after I’ve headed back to my home on the island.

For those curious of what I’m going to cover, here’s a brief description of my talk:

This session focuses on how online writers/bloggers can best map out their time using different tools, tactics and strategies to get writing done. I will cite examples from my own schedule (as well as the schedule of other prominent bloggers) in order to offer varying perspectives considering each person has different challenges that they face in their lives. I’ll discuss how to capture ideas, flesh them out and map out the process of blogging regularly from start to finish, and it will be suited for everyday bloggers to those who write less frequently.

There are a ton of great speakers at Northern Voice and a lot of the magic will happen in between sessions. If you haven’t got a ticket yet, grab one (you can swing by the event venue and buy them at the door; Eventbrite ticket sales are finished). You’ll learn a ton and meet some really cool people in the process.

One more thing…

I’ve proposed a talk for Media Evolution: The Conference in Malmo, Sweden slated for August of this year. Sessions will be chosen through a voting process, and I’d love it if you’d give me a vote (or three) so I can head overseas for the first time in…well…forever. Here’s my proposal, called The Productivity Shift: How We Are Moving From Doing Productive to Being Productive:

This presentation would discuss how technology and the global workspace has started to tilt the way people work away from simply checking off boxes and going through the motions. Technology is now helping people ask the “why” as opposed to just delivering the “what”. Machines are allowing us to become more human and realize our full potential, letting us create and craft the lives we want. The session will offer up examples of how this is happening, how people can start The Productivity Shift within themselves and their own organizations and where this shift will take them going forward.

You can vote for my talk using this link.

If you’re going to be at Northern Voice this weekend, make sure to say hello. I go to these events not just to speak, but to reconnect with old friends…and make new ones.

Photo credit: Howard Lake (CC BY-SA 2.0)