Tardy with ProductiVardy

It’s been a long time since I produced an episode of ProductiVardy, the podcast adjunct to this site. Far too long.
I planned on rectifying this during the last week of October, but that simply didn’t happen. I’m going to be delivering the next episode on Tuesday November 1st. It will feature an interview with Dave Ursillo, author of the recently released book Lead Without Followers. I’ve got another three guests in the queue after that, so we’ll right back on track starting with this next episode.

Why the hiatus?

Well, an adjustment of workflow was the main culprit, as well as a lack of quiet time to get the episodes done right. I’ve figured out the ideal way to rectify both issues – and despite my work on growing facial hair and writing a book that is as secretive as who the next three guests on ProductiVardy will be, I’ll maintain the weekly podcast grind.

Thanks for waiting on me. I’ll be sure to give you some great stuff to listen once again starting this week.