Enter Instapaper 4.0

The latest version of Instapaper, released today, is a “big update” that makes reading later even more appealing. I’m not the only one gushing about it, either. So if you’re not going to take my word for it alone, here’s what others have had to say about Marco Arment’s awesome app:

“I can say that this new version is, without a doubt, fantastic.” – Ben Brooks, The Brooks Review

“This update looks huge both in terms of effort and awesomeness.” – Brett Kelly, Bridging the Nerd Gap

“The $5 App That Justifies My $500 iPad” – Shawn Blanc, shawnblanc.net

“It is hard to believe such a wonderful app could get any better and, yet, here it is. It is clear that a lot of thought and care went into this. Marco is obviously someone who loves to read and it shows in every pixel. Seriously, if I could only have three apps on my iPhone this would be one of them without question.” – Patrick Rhone, Minimal Mac

Not to mention all of the glowing reviews it’s getting on tech sites all over the Internets. If you haven’t joined the Reading Nerd club yet, there’s no time like the present.

In other words, get it now.