On the Fringe

I’m a big fan of live theatre, having performed in my share of it. Right now, my fair city’s very own indie theatre festival, the Victoria Fringe Festival, is in full swing. It’s celebrating its silver anniversary this year, and from what I’ve heard there are some can’t-miss shows this year — more perhaps than in recent years.
I say “heard” because I’ve yet to actually see one. That changes tomorrow.

I’m starting my “fringing” tomorrow, as I go to see my super-hilarious friend Katie-Ellen Humphries in a stand-up comedy show dubbed Ratfish Comedy and the tremendously talented Rod Peter, Jr. in Launch Pad Productions’ Tara Firm and The Lunar Chronicles.

There’s a lot of others I’ve got to see as well…and I best get on it. The Victoria Fringe Festival wraps up this Sunday.

If you are a fan of live entertainment, I highly suggest you check out the closest Fringe festival in your area — there’s some great theatre to be found that can’t be seen anywhere else.