Over. Under. End.

The Over

I’ve been overcome with emotion lately; it can be seen in much of what has been written here…like in this piece.

I’ve been overwrought. Knowing that I’ve been steps away from either taking yet another big leap or from running in the other direction.

I’ve been overwhelmed, mainly due to overcommitment. The resulting burnout has pushed me over the edge. Those I committed to may give me a do-over, but they also may not. I’ll have to get over that.

I’ve been overly difficult to live with because of all of the above. My reactions to the littlest things have been overblown — and these little things are so little they actually seem to indicate that I’ve been getting overblown over nothing.

Well, that’s over now.

The Under

I’ve come to the understanding that I can’t do it all, let alone all of it well.

I’ve undervalued the things that won’t be there tomorrow, like the 312th day that my son was alive and the fact my daughter just used the word “suppose” for the first time in conversation.

I’ve underachieved by settling. As a result, I’ve underrated myself by default.

I’ve let urgency undermine importance over the past few months. Underestimating the impact of the important stuff has led to all of the above.

That’s all water under the bridge.

The End

The best parts of life are meant to be lived over and over again. The rest should be forced under.