Hitting the Ground Running: A Fitness Achievement

You know, I’ve never been one for working out before. There was a point in time where I did workout for a few months straight with my friend Monique when I was doing the Body-for-Life program eons ago, but that was the longest stretch of physical fitness I’d ever participated in. Still is, but it petered out quickly when I came across what seems to be common among those trying to get fit: fatigue.
This time looks like it’s going to be different. I think I’ve got an understanding as to why that is.

First off, I’ve got much more to be fit for. When I was trying to achieve a “body for life” before, I was single and doing it mainly to improve my physique for any potential ladies that I may wind up dating. I wasn’t really doing it for myself. The only thing I ended up proving is that I could do it…but I really had nothing or no one to do it for.

This time around, I’m doing it for myself — and my family. My wife deserves to have a husband who’s in decent shape and my kids deserve to have a father who can keep up with them. When my youngest turns thirteen, I’ll be fifty. I want to be able to roughhouse with him at that age and not feel it for weeks afterward. I’d also like to give myself the best shot at seeing my kids’ grandkids. Without exercise and proper diet, that just ain’t going to happen.

Another reason I’m going to stick with it this time is that I’m not over-doing it. I’m an extreme sort of person. I like to go all-out. Problem is, my interest often fizzles fast as a result. I’m exercising at a decent pace this time. Sure, I’m still putting in 6 days a week, but I’m alternating the workouts with my running days. This is a vat difference (and improvement) of how I used to get in shape. Instead of feeling overwhelmed with a complete workout each day, I’m splitting things up nicely. I’m not in this to bulk up and become a superstar athlete — I’m in it to get (and stay) healthy.

I’m also using technology this go-round — technology that wasn’t available to me before when I worked out. The Couch 2 5 K app has been a huge help — and having all of my workout programs available on any of my devices has been a great boost to my productivity and keeping my interest high. I’ve also picked up some Vibram FiveFingers Bikila footwear1 to start walking (then, hopefully, running) in the sand by the ocean where I live. I’m also going to wear them for my workouts. Investing time in getting fit is one thing; investing money in footwear that is tailored for it is something I’d never have considered before. My mindset is completely different this time around.

Working from home has also given me more times to choose from in terms of working out and running.2 I’ve never had that on my side before, either. It makes for a nice break in the day when I decide that it’s time to go for my run or start my Rebel Fitness workout. It helps recharge my mental batteries so that I can get back to writing with a clear mind afterward — and gives me the energy to carry me through the rest of the day.

I’ve just finished week three of my fitness regimen — I’ve got six more weeks to go on the Couch 2 5K program and I don’t even have a clue as to how many more with the Rebel Fitness one (I’m still on the Level 1 Rookie portion). Three weeks is a milestone for me; I’m glad I made it and I’m stoked for the weeks to come. I’m seeing the results on many levels already and that makes me want to see even more.

With that, I’m off to start my day. Time to hit the ground running…both figuratively and literally.

1 Want to get your hands on some of these shoes? I’ve got a link here that gives you chance to get ’em for free. Tim Ferriss (The 4 Hour Body) is a big fan of ’em.
2 I mentioned this as the other type of “home work” that I had to do here.