More Another Things: 122 and IdeaWave

A week of writing, a week of talking and a week of preparing for more talking. That’s been my week.

Dyscultured #122

The crusade of OpenMedia tops the list of links we explored this week. In addition to serious topics like worldwide revolutions and the battles underway on the web between torrent sites, Google and the RIAA, we also talked about the new Mark Zuckerberg comic book and the new Swiss Chalet chicken-spinning channel. We’ve got a layered show here, folks.

You can be yet another layer. Join us every Wednesday at 10 pm EST/7 pm PST in the chat room, doing this thing we do on the live stream. You can also listen to the podcast in case you can’t make it…you can subscribe here.


I spoke at last year’s IdeaWave1, and I’m back at it again this year. IdeaWave is described as:

“…a forum where critical thinkers are able to mix and mingle in a highly engaged environment.”

There’s a ton of great speakers and only a few tickets left for this two-day event. My talk is entitled “The Power of Paper” — where I’ll discuss how the old idea of paper is worth making new again…especially in terms of being productive.2

Perhaps I’ll see you there.

1 Last year’s talk: The Suck That is Productivity.
2 A more comprehensive description of my 2011 talk is here.