The 2 Best iPad Cases Ever

While I’m no authority on iPad cases, I know what I like — and what I need to get my stuff done. And I can say — without question — that I own the two best iPad cases on the market.
I am using my iPad for a lot more things these days, as I’ve mentioned in previous posts. From writing to organizing and all things in between, it is quickly becoming my starting point in the digital realm. While it can’t fully replace my MacBook Pro on some levels1, it’s well on its way. My iPad functions primarily as a digital day planner and as my regular writing device. The two cases that I own enhance how the iPad functions as both.

The First Case

The first case I received for my iPad was the DODOcase. I’d been eyeing it forever and my wife and daughter ordered it for me for my birthday last summer. It is perfect in terms of creating that day planner “look” and makes the iPad that much more enjoyable to use. It also props up for when I want to view something, and despite complaints from some, the foam corners that keep the iPad nestled in its bosom have been rock solid for me so far.2 It is elegant-looking and with its bamboo-laden goodness, it makes me look classier than I probably am.

The Second Case

The second case was one I purchased recently, the ZAGGmate. The beauty of this case is that it has a self-contained Bluetooth keyboard that allows me to write with more efficiency and yet still keeps the iPad extremely portable. Since I’m a writer, typing on the iPad keyboard can be a problem for lengthy posts — and that space bar is too damn small. Without the tactile nature of a keyboard, I know I can’t spend time writing lengthy material on the device.3 But this keyboard is perfect for me. My hands are pretty small, so the key placement and dispersal isn’t a problem, and I can actually feel the space bar so I don’t miss it when I’m typing. It has a bunch of shortcut functions as well that make it a dream to use. Plus, it inverts itself into a fully-fledged iPad case and allows the iPad to be used in either landscape or portrait mode. Essentially, it’s made my iPad a netbook with benefits.

Closing Thought

The bottom line: I’ve got the two ideal cases for how I use my iPad, and as a result I probably use it more than most. Case closed.

1 If it could only handle my podcast editing and fully manage blog posts from draft to completion, it’d be even further along.
2 Many have had the foam corners pop up and out on them. To be safe, I asked the DODOcase folks to send me some additional ones after I heard this was going on via this handy form. They’re still sealed in the shipping envelope.
3 I tried to use my existing Apple Bluetooth Keyboard with the iPad, but it can only pair with one device at a time. I was tired of the hassle of switching off Bluetooth on my MacBook Pro so I could then use it on my iPad. Plus, as portable as that keyboard can be, it doesn’t transform into an iPad case.