The 2010 Persons of Internet

Now…here’s the list of those who (in no particular order) have inspired me, helped me, had a meaningful discussion with me either on or offline, had beers with me1 or just simply makes awesome stuff time and time again. Here are the Persons of Internet for 2010.

Brett Kelly has a great site called Bridging the Nerd Gap. He also penned the quintessential guide to Evernote, Evernote Essentials.

Dan Benjamin produces some of the best podcasts out there today via his 5by5 network. If you want entertaining and informative discussion that revolves around technology and a variety of other topics, you must put on some earbuds and listen2 to him and his expanding crew.

Merlin Mann is a pretty brilliant guy. Anything he does is worth checking out.5

If you’re looking for great podcasts that are comedic in tone and yet still give you some great info, the Maximum Fun family of podcasts is right up your alley.

Then, there’s Jonathan Coulton.3

Jonathan Mead’s Illuminated Mind is a great place to stoke your creative fires and get you moving.

I’ve never met anyone more passionate about what can only be defined as true open source content, be it software or anything else. Andrew Currie’s Open Attitude may have opened my eyes to what open source really is.4

Anthony Marco does a lot of podcasts. I don’t even know how many he does anymore, but you can check them all out here. He’s a smart and funny guy who I’ve known a long time.

I’ve known Shane Birley for a long time. He put together the website for my old sketch comedy troupe and lives closer to me than any of the other Dyscultured crew. His blog, Shane’s World, is worth a look because he’s gone and dove back into the blogging and podcasting realm. He’s also co-written a book.

I really dig Adam Lisagor. He knows his stuff and is one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet.

I never really wanted to get (back) into shape until I started checking out Steve Kamb’s NerdFitness. I’m so glad he’s made it his full-time gig, because he’s really good at what he does.

I have a lot I can learn from guys like Julien Smith and Chris Guillebeau. So do a lot of people. You should be one of them.

Because I picked up David Allen’s book and because I was watching Stephen Colbert when I finally understood why the book wasn’t working led me to “found” Eventualism. Thanks, guys.

Patrick Rhone has offered me a lot of help and advice over the past few months. I consider him an online friend who I plan to meet offline in the not-too-distant future.

A great guy to watch has been Shawn Blanc, as he’s living his dream of writing full time. I regard him highly, and some of the navigation changes made on this site in late 2011 were inspired directly from his work.

Another member of the Read & Trust network, Ben Brooks is someone I read and trust daily. He steps up to the proverbial “online plate” like nobody else.

…as I think of more people (or more people fall into the categories mentioned in the opening paragraph), I’ll add to this list.

Beers are always meaningful.
FYI, there’s also video to be viewed.
To be discussed further in a future post.
But I’m not giving up my iDevices just yet, AC.
5…and now he’s doing this with Dan Benjamin. Yep, it’s a late addition, that’s why it’s appearing before #3 and #4