The Productivityist Podcast: Everything Is A To Do

I’m not a fan of the term “have to” do. When someone tells me that I have to do something, I get my back up. I know there’s no maliciousness attached to the term “have to” but the phrase repels me all the same.

Now if you were to say that I “need to” do something, that’s different. There is something about the way that term resonates with me that adds some level of connection that “have to” doesn’t. In fact, “have to” disconnects me from the task far more than “need to” does. “Need to” indicates to me that it’s something that will benefit me by doing. “Have to” indicates to me that it’s something that will not benefit me by doing (at least on the surface) but still needs doing.

This week on the podcast Michael Schechter joins me and four-time guest Patrick Rhone to have a candid discussion about the things you have to do versus the things that you want to do, among other things. You can listen to the podcast below.

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I always have a great time chatting with these two gentleman. I hope you enjoy – and better still, benefit from – what we talked about this time around.