Why I Journal (And Why You Should Too)

Why I Journal

I journal so that I can celebrate the day gone by…and to plan for the day to come. Without writing out my successes and failures of the day, I’d have less direction to go forward.

I journal to review and reflect every day so that when I attempt a deeper reflection and review I’m better prepared to do so. I no longer have to review every week as a result. I can do a deeper review semi-monthly and the daily habit of journaling allows me to still keep connected with all that I have going on in my life.

I journal to connect better with all aspects of me – both my work and my life. I journal because that connection gives me purpose and drive.

I journal to remain grounded. It keeps me honest. It’s that honesty that keeps me authentic and allows me to do what I do better each day.

I journal to get it all out. I clear my mind which gives it the freedom it needs to do things better. After all, the mind is meant to be a factory, not a warehouse.

I journal to figure what out what I need to do and what I ought to do. That also helps me drill deep into what I ultimately want to do and helps me achieve it.

I journal for all of these reasons…and more. But mainly I journal to chronicle my path towards a better version of me. Because I’m worth it.

Aren’t you?