The Climb: Why I’m Going Beyond Productivity

The Climb

Back when Miley Cyrus was Hannah Montana, my daughter was a fan. She eventually outgrew it, but before she did she asked if we could go see Hannah Montana: The Movie. So we did.

It was pretty unmemorable fare, but there was one thing about the film that has stuck with me. The song at the end of the film called “The Climb.”

I don’t mind the song all that much, mainly because of the lyrics. While I’m not sure what the song is exactly about, it struck a chord with me because I’ve done a lot of climbing in my work.

“There’s always gonna be another mountain; I’m always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle; Sometimes I’m gonna have to lose. Ain’t about how fast I get there. Ain’t about what’s waitin’ on the other side. It’s the climb.”

I started out as a productivity parodist. That led me to writing for several websites and then editing for others. Eventually, I became known for my work in productivity and went from being a productivity enthusiast to a productivity specialist. Now I am on my way to becoming a productivity strategist.

I have climbed a lot. I’m sure you have too. I’m about to climb even higher… and that’s a very scary thing for me right now.

Deep down I know I’ll get used to the height I’ll be at, and I’ll be fine once I’m there. But I also can’t help but think how much further I have to fall. I know that it’s risky for me to climb further, but the reward is that much greater by doing it. The climb is exciting because it will lead me to new territory . But it’s also scary because it will be unknown territory.

Every time I climb higher I go beyond where I was before. This time, however, I’m not just going beyond where I’ve been. I’m going beyond productivity.

I’m taking things to a new place. I’m not only leveling up my work and life, but I’m putting something out there that will level up the work and lives of others in a way that I’ve done before. Sure, I’ve done it through Productivityist Coaching and in smaller workshops, but never on the scale that I’ve put in place this time.

All of that has me scared. And that’s a good thing.

It means I’m going to raise my game. It means I’m going to be on the ball so that I don’t fall. It means that I’m going to deliver the goods.

Whether you’re taking things to the next level at the office through a new initiative you’re in charge of, taking things to the next level by embarking on a new career path, or taking things to the next level by adding to your family or building a relationship with someone new, you’re going to be scared. You’re going to have doubts. You’re going to want to turn back – even if only for a second.

But when you feel all of that just remember: It’s not about what’s on the other side. It’s the climb.