Introducing The Awareness Building Class


Awareness and focus are two essential elements needed to “be” productive and take your life to the next level. To improve focus, you must also maintain a high level of awareness, and this often does not come naturally. Honestly, this is an area each of us can improve in.

Because of this, I’d like to present a new product I’ve created with my friend Shawn Blanc called The Awareness Building Class.

The Awareness Building Class is a 5-part series of audio lessons filled with real-life stories and actionable advice to help you stop guessing and start going. It really delivers the goods with five audio sessions, a PDF workbook featuring key takeaways and action items, and professionally edited transcriptions of all audio.

Shawn and I have always been able to connect deeply when we talk about productivity. In fact, you can listen to a conversation we had on Episode 61 of The Productivityist Podcast to get a sense of how introspective we get on this subject.

The Awareness Building Class is designed to go hand-in-hand with Shawn’s flagship product, The Focus CourseBest of all, the five class modules align with the key themes of The Focus Course and cover the following topics:

  • Clarity What is clarity? How does clarity relate to your work, your personal life, your hobbies, your time, your finances, and more.
  • Confidence How does Confidence relates to productivity? Why it’s critical for doing your best work, how a lack of confidence is a form of Resistance, and more.
  • Integrity A discussion of Integrity’s vital role related to motivation and procrastination.
  • Self-Awareness This is about understanding our Vision, Values, Most important relationships, Priorities, Goals (the why behind them), our Capacity, and our Default behaviours.
  • Harmony Redefining the idea of “work/life balance” and bringing all the areas of our life together into something where the sum is greater than the individual parts.

The Awareness Building Class has been designed to go hand-in-hand with The Focus Course. Furthermore, when you participate in The Awareness Building Class and spend some time going through the workbook, this will complement the work you do in The Focus Course by giving you an additional layer of context.

I’m really proud of what Shawn and I have built and I know that it will help you. Awareness and focus are two of the things you’ll need to have to stop guessing and start going. And what we’ve built will help you have both.

Click here to purchase The Awareness Building Class