The Evolution of Getting Things Done with David Allen

David Allen joins me on this episode of the podcast to dive deeper into the Getting Things Done methodology. The meat of our conversation gets into how it has evolved over the years since it first was introduced in 2001.
There’s a bit of noise at parts during our discussion, but even still this episode is a winner. Some of the highlights of this episode include:

  • How much of a role he had in writing the new book, Getting Things Done for Teens
  • Why he believes teens need GTD more now than ever before
  • A discussion about the reframing of GTD that needed to happen when adapting the methodology for teens
  • How he has changed his approach when teaching GTD over the years
  • David reveals his thoughts on the most challenging aspect of GTD (Hint: It hasn’t changed since the introduction of GTD)
  • A conversation surrounding the renaissance of analog tools and his thoughts on why they’ve made a comeback

Ready to check out the show? You can listen to the episode in the player below.

Here are some of the relevant links we discussed during the show:

It’s always a treat to get to chat with the creator of GTD. I had a great time speaking with David and I hope you have a great time listening to our conversation.

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