On today’s episode, I spent time again with Marc and Angel Chernoff. Marc and Angel Chernoff are New York Times bestselling authors, professional coaches, full-time students of life, admirers of the human spirit, and have been recognized by Forbes as having “one of the most popular personal development blogs.” Through their blog, books, course and coaching, they’ve spent the past decade writing about and teaching proven strategies for finding lasting happiness, success, love, and peace.
Millions of readers turn to Marc and Angel Chernoff as they wrote 1000+ Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently for fresh, intimate insights for a fulfilled life. In this pithy and empowering guide, they collect the very best advice they’ve discovered, on topics that include overcoming setbacks, letting go of what’s holding us back, nurturing relationships, finding time for self-care, and cultivating passion in order to achieve our wildest dreams.Specifics that we covered on the show include:
- On their new book: 1000+ Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently
- On the idea of the list in the book
- Revisiting the content of the book and choosing which applies to them now
- On writing the book as new parents
- The writer vs. the reader perspective
- On the process of editing the book
- The idea of the “little things”
- On the adding triggers to the “to-do list”
“Keep doing what you are doing and you will keep getting what you are getting. That is how it works! You have to make a shift. You have to make changes. And the changes need to be small and consistent.” ~ Marc and Angel Chernoff
Relevant Links
- Website
- Book: 1000+ Little Things Happy Successful People Do Differently
This episode teaches us that millions of people live their entire lives on default settings, never realizing they can customize everything and we should not be one of those millions of people. We should not settle for the default settings in life.
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