The Struggle is Real

You might have heard or read this quote before:

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

– Ernest Hemingway

That’s how it feels. But that’s not to say writing is the only thing that feels that way.

Believe me, there are days when I look at my to-do list and feel the exact same way. I can look at my filtered to-do list — you know, the one that only takes into account what the day’s theme is and the tasks associated with that theme — and I can feel the struggle starting to take hold.

What do I do when that happens? I start at a place of strength.

Sometimes that place of strength is doing some low-energy tasks to build momentum. Sometimes it is looking at my monthly theme and choosing one task to do so I can make a little bit of progress on my greater intentions. And sometimes it is tapping into another quote. This one is from Theodore Roosevelt that’s written on a coaster my mother gave me years ago:

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

– Theodore Roosevelt

If you find yourself struggling this week, don’t fret. We all do. Just look for a way forward – even if it’s a small step.