Episode 322: The New Corner Office with Laura Vanderkam

On this episode I’m joined once again by Laura Vanderkam, a fellow productivity specialist. Laura is the author of several books, including The New Corner Office: How the Most Successful People Work from Home.

I wanted to talk about productivity with someone who speaks my language, and Laura certainly fits that bill. She’s penned a book that is designed to help people not only survive working from home… it’s a book that will help people thrive while working from home. We talk about what it’s like to be thrust into a “work from home” situation, why right now might just be the best time to take on that monumental project, and much more. This episode is well worth your time… I know you’ll enjoy our conversation!  

Talking Points

  • Laura explains why she chose to write this book right now
  • What led Laura to writing this book?
  • Why does Laura advise you manage by task rather than time?
  • How important does Laura thinks self care in the work environment is during times like these?
  • Laura shares insights on how she thinks people can embrace their own needs more while working from home
  • Laura talks about her chapter that touches on “thinking big”
  • How does Laura think people can continue to track their time while working from home?
  • How can one work from home and parent from home and still bring their best selves to both?
  • Laura gives one action you can take to start building your own “at home” work life

“Working from home is a skill.”

Laura Vanderkam

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