Episode 343: Consistency Over Authenticity with Seth Godin

Seth Godin is a consistent player in the entrepreneurial space, influencing millions to embrace their inner-creative and best serve their audience. In today’s episode we uncover how you can make that impact.

Seth Godin has had a huge influence over my career, so I’m excited to bring him on (again) to hear about his latest projects and new book ‘The Practice: Shipping Creative Work’. As my first guest on the podcast I did as a productivity parodist, there’s lots to catch up on.

This interview is full of countless gems, but what really stands out is being consistent with whatever it is that you want to achieve. In his own words, the toughest part is that “you have to show up, even if you don’t feel like it”.   

Seth blogs daily. He’s been doing it for years now. He’s built a huge following with over a million readers, and is the author of over 19 books, including Purple Cow, Linchpin, and This Is Marketing. He’s also the founder of the altMBA and The Akimbo Workshops, which runs online seminars that have transformed the work of thousands of people. 

Join our conversation as we explore indispensable tools, inbox zero, working with intent – and his 16ft cedar strip canoe.

Talking Points

  • Applying assertion to our work
  • Why Imposter Syndrome doesn’t go away
  • You don’t even need to meet your mentors
  • Seth’s daily boundaries
  • Impact of 2020 on his blogging
  • Seth’s attitude towards uncertainty
  • Defining good taste
  • What we actually mean by ‘hacking’
  • Seth’s relationship with ‘trap’ emails
  • The trap people fall into when chasing authenticity

“Know what your audience wants ten minutes before they do.”

Seth Godin

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