Free time is the enemy of progress.
Casey Neistat
In one of my favourite Casey Neistat videos – dubbed “Fat and Lazy” – the filmmaker offers the insight above.
We can all find ourselves in a position where we have a bit of free time. It might be because your working hours have changed, or you may find that the weekends are getting mundane and you want breathe new life into them. Free time (or spare time) is not something to waste, and there are many ways you can invest it, be more productive, and keep making progress. Here are a few suggestions to consider:
Learn to play a musical instrument
A great way to use some of your spare time is to learn something new. Trying your hand with a musical instrument can be one of the best pastimes to consider.
Learning to play an instrument takes time and practice, granted, but it can also be very fulfilling. You could teach yourself and try out instruments that may feel like a lower barrier to entry, like the ukulele. Whether you dive into a Google search or scour YouTube for videos, you’ll find no shortage of options that can help you get started and make progress with your ukulele experience. You could even take things to the next level and invest in a teacher if that’s more to your liking.
Start writing a blog
Blogging has definitely become a hobby of choice for plenty of people, so why not start your own blog? That’s essentially how I got started over a decade ago.
There must be something that you have experience with or that you feel passionate about that you want to share with other like-minded people. And writing can be a huge creative outlet. It gives you a chance to get things off your chest, help others in similar situations, and share tips and tricks that you know will work. Whether you blog about your life or you choose a particular area of interest that is part of your life experience, there is room for everyone in the blogosphere.
Turn spare time into spare cash
Need or want a bit of extra cash? Why not use your spare time to earn a little extra? It could be through various online side hustles such as filling out online surveys or becoming a mystery shopper.
One increasingly popular option to consider is trading in digital currency. You can buy cryptocurrency with GBP online simply enough and it could prove to be very lucrative. I’ve started down that path and it’s proving to not only be an additional stream of income but it has given me a hobby to sink my teeth into.
Another consideration is to sell your unwanted things in an effort to declutter your home. Websites like eBay and craigslist are great for that.
Start by taking some of your spare time to figure out where and what you can do to make some spare cash. Then take that spare time and invest it in making that spare cash come your way.
Read (a lot) more
We could all stand to read a little more – or even a lot more. Reading can be an excellent pastime to enjoy and Mark Manson noted in one of his YouTube videos not only how to read more but why reading as a hobby is one of the best you can pursue. (You can watch that video here, but remember that it is Mark Manson and he is known for NSFW language.)
Whether you read works of fiction that get your imagination going, self-help books to help improve your mindset and grow as a person, or non-fiction books like autobiographies, reading a hobby that we can most easily invest our spare time in and have it deliver an incredible impact to our lives.
Take up a sport
Finally, it might be a good idea to start thinking about taking up a sport – or even join a team or club. This isn’t only good for your social well-being as you can make some great friends, but it can also be good for your health and fitness levels. Knowing that once or twice a week that you can participate in a sport and improve your overall well-being can be a powerful motivator – especially if you’re a competitive type of person. Sports to consider include football, basketball, tennis, hockey or whatever you think would work best for you given your set of circumstances (where you live, access to teams and clubs, and so on).
Remember that progress leads to happiness and unless you invest your free time you’ll be that much further away from the happiness you deserve. I believe that these tips will help you when it comes to making more of your free time… and living a happier life.