Everything is done so much better when we manage our energy levels. Through the Success-Energy Equation, Michelle Cederberg shares her tactics to help you fuel every area of your life.
Certified Speaking Professional Michelle Cederberg has captivated audiences across the world with her messages about how to set worthwhile goals and get energized for success. As a coach, consultant and professional speaker, Michelle educates busy, driven professionals about purpose, productivity – and the pursuit of better.
Tune in to this candid conversation as we uncover some key insights from Michelle’s book The Success-Energy Equation: How to Regain your Focus, Recharge your Life and Really Get Sh!t Done. We also discuss how to recognize when your thoughts are becoming unproductive, the “How might I…?” question, the power of repetition, and making plans (weather permitting).
Talking Points
- Factor in energy into your equation
- Understanding your energy levels
- The Motivation Matrix
- The 4 Rs for managing negative self-talk
- What we can learn from will power
- Why you need to be more hydrated
“Everything we do that drives our success is better when we manage our energy.”
– Michelle Cederberg
Helpful Links
- ‘The Success-Energy Equation’ by Michelle Cederberg
- History of Swear Words
- Episode 340: Your Motivation Code with Todd Henry
- 3 PM, Weather Permitting
- ‘The Power of Full Engagement’ by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
- The Daily Driver
- ‘Do The Work’ by Steven Pressfield
- www.SuccessEnergyBook.com
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