A Leap Year of Faith: The Mike Vardy Secret Book Project Revealed

We’re wrapping up a day that only appears on the calendar once every four years. It’s a year where we get an extra day tacked on for good measure – scientific measure, I imagine – but what do we do with that extra day? Do we see it as bonus or just see it as just another day?

February 29th doesn’t have to be just another day. It can be a new day.

Today I decided to blow the lid off of my secret book project. Right here, right now.1

The book I’m working on is a short productivity-type book that will give you the tools and wherewithal to start your new year at any point of the year. I’m tired of the notion that you need to make January 1 the start of your year. Too many people hold that day too sacred. Today, which only happens once every four years, should be held more so (in my opinion).

But the day that should be held most sacred is the day you decide to make a change, to make a shift. I’m not suggesting wholesale changes or a life-altering shift. I’m talking about changes or a shift that is brought forth by a desire to shake things up just a little bit in your life – at any time of year.

That’s where The Mike Vardy Secret Book Project comes into play. That’s where the book that I’m working on will help you shift gears at any time of year.

This book is tentatively titled:

The Front Nine: How to Start the Year You Want…Anytime You Want.

What is The Front Nine?

The Front Nine is a guide to help you get ready, get set and go with your new year anytime you want. All you need is nine weeks – hence the title – and you can put yourself in a position to make a fresh start on a project, a goal or even a deeper desire whenever you’re ready. The Front Nine is a guide-book of sorts, a resource that is both specific in structure but fluid in content in that it is accessible to anyone who has an open mind. You don’t need to be a productivityist or a GTDer to wrap your head around it. You don’t need to be using a task manager – or task management system – to make it work for you (although it can help). All you need is the willingness to want to change and see things through to make The Front Nine work for you.

That’s all the details I have for now, and truthfully, they are subject to some alterations should something major happen. Because you never know what might come along between now and then.

And yes, I may be leaping before I look…but it is really a year for leaping now, isn’t it?

1Told you I’d have something awesome to deliver. And it went to my Vardy.book subscribers first, so you should join the list today and get some advance goodness on The Front Nine starting next week.