A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Or in this case…about 17000 of them.

Yesterday I received 60 copies of my book The Front Nine in print on my doorstep. And while the book has been out since late last year as an e-book, once I picked up the paperback version of the book it felt more…real.

If you’ve already ordered a copy of the book in its digital format, thank you.1 And if you’ve been holding off to buy it until it came out in print, it’s now shipping.

Head over to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and get yours — and thanks again.

1 I’d also appreciate it if you left a review over at Amazon, the iBooks Store, or wherever you purchased it. Goodreads is also a great place for readers to discover the work of authors like myself, so if you could take the time to help me out with that, I’d be really grateful.