A Place of My Own: The Valden Project

I’d like my own personal house for writing. A place of my own. So My friends and I are going to build one.
After putting it out to the Twitter as to whether or not going with an in-house office or one outside the walls of our house, the consensus was the latter. I’d already been leaning that way before, but had been waffling for years on which way to go.

A tweet from Margaret Hoegg then sent me to the ISO50 blog, which showed off Michael Pollan’s amazing writing house. After seeing that, I was hooked on the idea of building my own. At first I was thinking along the lines of plans that were linked to in the comments of that post, but after getting into Pollan’s book, A Place of My Own, which chronicles the journey to finishing his own personal building, I decided I wanted something a little closer to what he built.

My research on materials, costs and the like has already begun. I’ll keep you posted on the project, which I have dubbed Valden, as I march toward the desired completion date of next July.

This is going to be good.