
I usually reserve this sort of thing for status updates on Facebook, but based on what Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg talked about last week at the IGNITION Conference in New York1, I felt that it was appropriate to put my thoughts here in a much longer form.
Anne is my wife, and she is simply the most amazing person I’ve ever known.

She returns today from Las Vegas, where she ran in the Strip at Night marathon.2 She left only last Thursday, but it seems longer than that. And that’s not because I’ve been holding down the fort with two young kids – she’s done that countless times when I’ve gone away – it’s because she brings so much more than that to the table.

Anne always backs whatever I decide to do in terms of my career. She may not always understand it, but she trusts me enough to let me take the risks necessary to see things through. It amazes me that someone has that much faith in what I do.

Anne is as resilient as they come. She has an energy that knows no bounds.

She gets up with my son every morning as I do not (but will do more often from now on).

She packs my daughter’s lunch every day as I do not (but will do more often from now on).

She works hard all day and comes home to kids who have missed her all day, rarely getting a pause of any sort.

While Vegas was a pause of sorts, I will do my damnedest to give her more pauses from now on.

In my journey to becoming a full-time writer, talker and productivityist, my wife has been there – supporting, assisting and making my life a little bit easier (I will do…well, you get the idea).

This isn’t a long post of gratitude and love, not because I don’t have the feelings to express. It’s because there aren’t enough words to express them. So I’ll end with this:

Anne, I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re simply the best. Thank you for coming into – and being a part of – my life. You are, as always…my only hope.

Love forever,

1 I realize that Sandberg was directing her talk at women last week, but it applies to men as well.
2 And she ran it well, my friends.

(Photo credit: Pierre Bedat)