Mike Vardy

The Build A Better Workflow Series: Habits and Routines

During the month of November I’ll be writing a weekly post as part of a series I’m dubbing Build A Better Workflow. The second instalment is focusing on habits and routines and what goes into adopting, fostering, and sticking with or abandoning them. Habits and routines are a means of creating a connection — either […]

Why I’ve Become Unproductive

As I’m on the road traveling — and still recovering from the launch of The NOW Year — I’ve got another guest post lined up for you today. This one is by Travis Collier. Travis is a Commissioned Officer in the US Coast Guard as well as a consultant–he examines how and why people in

How To Avoid The Bad Meeting Trap

The following is a guest post by Maki Nishiyama. There’s something about the word ‘meeting’ that ignites a particular spark in people. Sometimes the response can be disdain, anxiety and at best, indifference. Funnily enough though, we all know that meetings are a necessary evil. Whether you’re a freelancer or business owner, meetings are crucial

Entering Into The State of Flow

Sam Matla is an ex-productivity blogger, despite still being interested in it. He reads a lot, and also produces electronic music (and teaches it as well) under the alias of Khazm. You can also follow him on Twitter. Flow. We’ve all experienced it before. It’s that feeling you get when you’re so deeply involved in

The NOW Year is Now Here

NOW is the time. The NOW Year: A Practical Guide to Calendar Management has just been released and is available at the Productivityist Store. The initial release is in PDF format only, with future updates to include EPUB and Kindle formats. So if you have already bought it or plan to buy it, rest assured

The Build A Better Workflow Series: Apps and Services

Over the month of November I’ll be writing a weekly post as part of a series I’m dubbing Build A Better Workflow. The first installment is going to focus on apps and services you can add to the equation to help you make a workflow that is better for you. I talked about a lot

How I Built My CreativeLive Course in Evernote

Some of you may have taken my CreativeLive course – Time Management 101: Prioritize the Right Things – and for that I thank you. The process of building and delivering the course was an experience I’ll never forget. In this post I’m going to share with you how I built my CreativeLive course in one of my workflow apps of choice…Evernote.

Trick and Treat: The New 1Password Emergency Kit

Update: There is a new version of The 1Password Emergency Kit. Visit this post for more details. It’s Halloween, so I figured that I’d offer you both a trick and a treat today with the release of an updated version of my popular 1Password Emergency Kit. Now if you’re not using 1Password already, you should

A Look at Task Management Tools for Teams

A couple of weeks back I spoke to a local contingent of budding “productivityists” about team task management at Q College. During my creativeLIVE workshop later this week, I’ll be doing it again. But before I do that, I thought I’d offer Productivityist readers a closer look at some of the team task management solutions