Mike Vardy

Dead While Alive

“Now it’s over, I’m dead, and I haven’t done anything that I want. Or, I’m still alive and there’s nothing I want to do.” – They Might Be Giants, “Dead” (from the album “Flood”) I had a conversation with someone at a campfire this weekend and the idea that despite some people make a great […]

The Mikes Go Nerd Herding

The latest Mikes on Mics podcast dropped yesterday, and it features another great guest in Jean MacDonald from Smile. Smile makes the popular Mac apps TextExpander (the productivity gateway app for many) and PDFPen, among others. (Jean also makes Schechter and I smile with her amazing personality, so there’s that.) We talk about herding nerds,

The Apps on My Launch Center Pro Wish List

I’ve been using Launch Center Pro like a madman since it came out. Unlike Brett Terpstra, I’ve gone a step ufrhter and created a folder that holds all of the apps that are launchable and put it on the last page of my iPhone. And despite David Barnard’s post that may have hinted at the

On the ZenGeek Podcast

Andrew Marvin and Jeffrey Inacho have started a new podcast and it is pretty terrific. It’s called the ZenGeek Podcast, and the style of delivery and conversation is refreshing, not because others aren’t doing these types of podcasts, but because the voices are so fresh and the thoughts and ideas coming from them are articulate

Sometimes You Just Have to Go Home

After spending over two weeks away from home, I was incredibly happy to get back to it. Not that I didn’t have an amazing time during my travels (I clearly did), but it was my time away that made me realize that home has so much to offer me. The road has a way of

Mountain Lion

I’m not going to spend a ton of time talking about Mountain Lion (the latest iteration of the Mac operating system that was released today) because I haven’t spent much time with it yet. But these folks have. Stephen Hackett offers a comprehensive review (and his thoughts on the operating system fall in line with

A Return to OmniFocus

Today I’m offering up another admission. and it’s a big one. It’s true. I’ve gone back to OmniFocus. Sort of. I’m still using Asana for any tasks or projects that involve communicating with others – basically anything collaborative. I really enjoy the way Asana operates in this regard; I can use it (especially with the

Goodbye Google: The Epilogue

It’s been a few months since I gave a shot at eliminating much of Google from my life. I wasn’t going to revisit the series with this epilogue so early, but with the company’s acquisition of Sparrow (my former email client of choice) late last week I felt that moving it up a week or

Letting the Sparks Fly

Today is a travel day.1 I don’t have a lot to say as a result, mainly because I don’t have the time to say it. I do, however, have something for you that is worth listening to: the latest Mikes on Mics podcast episode. This week, Schechter and I talk with David Sparks (MacSparky, Mac