Mike Vardy

General Housekeeping

I’m doing a little housekeeping here… I’m in the midst of moving the RSS feed from the seemingly stagnant Feedburner service to FeedBlitz, which will involve a change in the RSS feed. For those of you who arrived via RSS (via a reader or email) and want to continue to be updated past November 30, […]

Check the Boxes

Today I want you to look at your to-do list. Don’t just refer to it – look at it. Take your time with it. I mean, the things on it are going to take time to do, so you certainly should spend some time with the list as a whole before you break it down

The Productive Macs Bundle is Back

The folks at Productive Macs have assembled another great bundle for Mac users, and the apps they’ve lined up this time around are pretty sweet. Here’s what you’ll get in the bundle: TextExpander: Save countless keystrokes, time and effort Path Finder: The Finder…reinvented TaskPaper: Stay organized with simple to-do lists Trickster: Your files at your

It’s About Time

Today I unveil the newly-transformed Vardy.me, reborn as Productivityist.com. And I couldn’t be more excited about it. Let’s get started with the accolades…and then we’ll jump into a small tour of the place.

Introducing…The Ready Retreat Series

Before I make some of the big changes here at the weblog, I’ve decided to make one of my first big announcements since leaving Lifehack and forging out on my own once more. Today I’m announcing my new series of workshops that aim to improve overall efficiency and effectiveness by exploring a series of topics

Productivity Math

Whenever you subtract something from your plate, your opportunities for the remainder multiply. That is a classic case of addition through subtraction. Subtraction and division are the keys to productivity. You remove things either through completion, delegation or deletion.


Today marks the first day that I am back to being a full time freelancer. I’ve left my post at Lifehack and am forging ahead on my own path, taking on assignments (albeit on a limited basis) and building up my own projects as I go. So…what did I do on my first day of

Looking at Best Practices

On the recommendation of my Mikes on Mics co-host, Michael Schechter, I have started to read The Journal of Best Practices by David Finch. David just so happens to be the guest on this week’s episode, and based on the fact that we barely scratched the surface of what we could have talked about I

How I Face Scary Stuff: The IDEA Criteria

  Today is Halloween, which is supposed to be the scariest day of the year…for obvious reasons. But this Halloween has an even scarier connotation attached to it for yours truly. That’s because I’m embarking on some scary stuff from this day forward. Again.