Mike Vardy

Less Review, More Longview

On the heels of reading Patrick Rhone’s excellent new book, I’ve found myself thinking more about what I want and need to be doing with my time rather than just what I think I want and need to be doing with my time. At this point in my life the goals I’m setting are many, […]

On enough: The Book

My friend Patrick Rhone has unveiled his newest book, enough, to the world today. His last book, Keeping It Straight, was an excellent read and I expected nothing less with this latest work of his. I wasn’t disappointed.

Doing vs. Planning

The latest Mikes on Mics episode went live this morning, and while we’ve got tons of guests lined up for future episodes, it’s just Mr. Schechter and I talking about a real productivity conundrum: The Doing vs. The Planning.

Being Green

Green is my favourite colour. It hasn’t always been that way. I’ve gone through red, then orange…but finally settled on green a few years back because of my fondness for a certain ring-wearing superhero. Of course, I’m speaking of the Green Lantern.

A Very Tough DYSision

“Decisions that are worthwhile are rarely easy to make.” – Something I tweeted Not too long ago, I announced that I was ceasing the production of my barely-driven-off-the-lot podcast ProductiVardy. Yesterday, I made a decision to end my involvement in another one – one that I co-created almost 4 years ago. Episode 180 will be

A Wise Man and His Tools

Brett Kelly is one of the smartest people I know. And he’s not only smart, but he’s wise. The “well-beyond-his-years” kind of wise. He has written a few pieces (this one on “fiddling” is a standout) on that thing I call “doing productive” and his most recent one creeps into the minimalistic writing app space.

How I Roll: A Follow-up to How I Week

Last week I posted a series of posts that explained how I use/do a lot stuff. Whether it was about using software or simply about my processes, I hope i left a valuable trail of content for you to look at. But there’s more stuff that I do, more software that I use that goes

OK Go: Why I’m Leaping

This is the last day I spent out at the cabin I had rented at Sleeping Dog Farm so I could make some serious progress on my book. I’ll be back tomorrow with two fresh posts, but I’ll leave you today with this post from the Tumblr archives which goes into my decision to make