Mike Vardy

The Amateur, The Professional and The Expert

The Amateur has a real passion for what she’s doing, but it’s currently a hobby or she is simply not getting paid for her efforts yet. She dabbles in other things though, things that she gets paid for and things that she doesn’t. The Professional has enough experience to charge for what they’re doing, and […]

In Time

My alter-ego is going to love this. I think I’m going to dig it, too. (via kottke.org)

The Virgin PROJECT

Magazines have been taking a bit of a beating on the iPad lately. But if there’s one that’s getting it right, it’s Virgin’s PROJECT Magazine. It’s as if PROJECT Magazine is not just taking the magazine to the iPad, but the in-flight magazine to the iPad. Each issue reads like a hybrid of the best

Announcing ProductiVardy – A Productivity Podcast with Personality

Admittedly, the last two months have been, well, insane. And incredibly so. Between my hectic travel schedule, doing my darndest to balance “stay-at-home-dad-hood” and writing when I can (as opposed to when I was supposed to), it has been a challenge to say the least. So what better time to announce a new project than

The Value of Imperfect Focus

When you’re on the ball and the path is clear as to what you’re doing and why, you are said to be in a state of focus. When you’re dropping the ball and the path is littered with stuff you end up doing, you are said to be in a state of non-focus. When you

Think Different, Achieve Different

When one goes traveling, the getting there and back offers some downtime. I used to take that time to either decompress from what I learned during my hectic travel schedule or re-evaluated where I was at in my life. But a few years back, something was different when I attempt3d to do that. I found that

Talking is indeed dead…

Now that I’m back to my regular writing grind, I think a re-introduction to a podcast I co-host with Anthony Marco1 is in order. It’s called Talking is Dead.

37 Life Lessons in 37 Years

While my neighbours to the south celebrate their nation’s birthday, I celebrated mine yesterday. After the craziness of my month of travel (better known as June), my family and I chilled out at home and enjoyed the day with some Devil’s Food cupcakes. And as I took the time to reflect on my 37 years,

Happy Canada Day

I’ll be back next week with a new posting schedule. In the meantime, Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks and I’ll see you Monday.