Mike Vardy

Getting Back to Happy with Marc and Angel Chernoff

On this episode of the podcast, I spoke with Marc and Angel Chernoff. Marc and Angel are the authors of the new book Getting Back To Happy: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Reality and Turn Your Trials Into Triumphs. We spoke about happiness, overcoming adversity and the role rituals play in our happiness. We also […]

Episode 196: Morning Routines with Benjamin Spall

On this episode of The Productivityist Podcast, I speak with Benjamin Spall. Benjamin is the co-author of My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired, and the founding editor of the blog of the same name. During our discussion we touch on how morning routines are important to both early risers and night

All Things Productive with Carl Pullein

On this episode of the podcast, I spoke with Carl Pullein. Carl is a personal productivity specialist, presenter and author of Your Digital Life and Working With Todoist: The Book. We spoke about the term “productivity,” how to get the most out of applications and more. Here are a few highlights from the show: What

Purpose Mapping with Craig Filek

On this episode of the podcast, I spoke with Craig Filek. Craig is Executive Director of the Purpose Genome Institute and the creator of Purpose Mapping. He helps high-achievers realize their full potential by clarifying their purpose, aligning with their flow state, and making a meaningful contribution every day. We spoke about Purpose Mapping, how

The One Meeting I Make Time for No Matter What

My wife and I have a lot going on. We work together on this business of mine, and Anne has her own business dealings as well. We also have two kids, so we have other people in our household that require our time, attention, and focus. As our kids have gotten older, their needs have

The Workcation Weekend with Holly Worton

  On this episode of the podcast, I spoke with Holly Worton. Holly helps entrepreneurs dissolve their blocks and limiting beliefs around money and success. We discussed how Holly has a “Workcation Weekend” at a hotel once per month and uses this time to write books, rebrand her website and more. Here are a few

Your Email App is Not Your To Do List

Using your email inbox as your to do list? In today’s post, Mike shares why this isn’t a good idea as well as how to start using a better approach.

The Link Between Personal and Professional Productivity with Mark Lavercombe

  On this episode of the podcast, I spoke with Dr. Mark Lavercombe. Mark is a specialist physician and medical educator, who writes on productivity, clinical education and leadership at The Productive Physician. We spoke about how he defines productivity, how he became passionate about productivity, how he sets boundaries and more. Here are a