Mike Vardy

Why I Journal (And Why You Should Too)

I journal every single day. Why? There are many reasons, and no matter who you are they can make a big difference in your work and – more importantly – your life.

Why You Need To Take Personal Productivity Personally

Whether you use GTD, Agile, Kanban, the Franklin/Covey Method, Leo Babauta’s Zen To Done, or some other approach to personal productivity — the key is to make sure that the approach allows you to treat everything that you need to do and want to do as personally as possible. By that I mean to treat your tasks with the highest level of attention and intention.

How To End This Month (and Start the Next Month) Right

There are certain aspects of the calendar that I really appreciate, and the end of the month is one of them. Even more so than the end of the calendar year (which – as I’ve written about – doesn’t hold as much significance for me), the end of the month is a time where I can get set for the next 30 or so days while looking back at the 30 days prior.

The Two Minute Warning: Why Two Minute Tasks Don’t Work

If you have a task that comes your way and it can be done in two minutes or less, then get it done and out of the way. It seems like a good idea, right? I’ve even offered it as productivity advice in the past. But here’s the thing: I’ve discovered that it doesn’t work.

What I have discovered is another approach that does work, all while helping stave off overwhelm and setting realistic expectations in terms of focus and achievement in my day. Something that just can’t be done in two minutes or less.

Why I’m Not Getting An Apple Watch

With the Apple Watch hitting the market, you’d think that someone involved with productivity – or, more specifically, time management – would be chomping at the bit to pick one up. But I’m not getting an Apple Watch anytime soon. In fact, I’m not getting a smart watch of any kind in the near future, despite the fact that I do write and speak a lot about time.

Start From The Edges

In order to fit your workflow (or work style) into whatever it is you’re trying to do – whether it be for an organization, your own company, or even for your family, you’d be better served to put the edge pieces in place first. They’ll give you that framework you’ll need to put things together faster and better.

Mind The Gap: 2 Ways To Find The Holes In Your Productivity

Whenever you’re starting something new – no matter what it is – if you want to get better at it then it’s important to see the gaps. You need to first recognize where the holes are in your game and then do what you can to fill them. Whether you fill those gaps up with new approaches, tools that can handle them, or bridging them with existing approaches and tools, you need to fill them in order to improve. And your productivity is no different.

Why Small Wins Can Make Or Break Your Productivity

Too often we focus on the big stuff that we’re trying to get done. When we come up short, we give ourselves a hard time. I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t strive to achieve on a high level, but what I am suggesting is that you step back and celebrate the small wins because they go a lot further than you’d think in making or breaking your overall productivity and performance.