Mike Vardy

Review: The Authentic Swing by Steven Pressfield

Steven Pressfield has hit another home run with this short — yet incredibly impactful — read. Or rather, he’s hit a hole in one. Let me explain. The Authentic Swing is one of the few books I’ve read that uses golf as a means of relaying important life lessons and strategies. The other one that […]

The Perils of “Binge Productivity”

I’ve noticed lately that due to my propensity to schedule “heavy lifting” days and “light lifting” days that the heavy ones seemed to be getting heavier and the light ones not all that much lighter. When that happens, there’s the danger of burnout — and I’ve felt on the edge of it for the past

Saying Things Done: A Quick Look at Capturing Tasks Through Voice

I’m a bit of a talker. If you’ve ever listened to Mikes on Mics or seen me speak, then you probably know that already. So it should come as no surprise that there are occasions where I capture my thoughts and tasks in audio form. There are numerous tools out there that you can use

Taking Journaling to Another Level

I’ve always journaled in some form or another. I did it to either chronicle my day, get thoughts out of my head that needed to be captured elsewhere (but not publicly), or — more recently — to leave something behind for my children to read after I’m gone. I’ve generally journaled at night, prior to

Technical Difficulties

I wrote this piece today…and then posted it shortly thereafter. I don’t normally do that. Up until I started writing it, I had no idea what I was going to write about today. Sure, I had ideas of what I could write about today, but I didn’t actually feel like writing any of those. Today

Assessing Workflow

I started to give my workflow a good look during my reassessment — and then I listened to Matt Alexander on Bionic #57 discussing the very idea of workflows. Matt’s always made a lot of sense (my buddy Michael Schechter goes into things a little deeper in this post over at Workflowing), so I began

The Labour

Today we celebrate the achievement of the labourer — the worker. That means you and me. So let’s look at what labour is. Labour is defined as the following: “productive work, especially physical toil done for wages.” But that’s only the first definition. There are several others where “labour” is a noun, including: difficult or

Assessing Projects

After assessing my priorities first, the next thing to look at during my reassessment were my projects. This took some time as I’ve got many projects in various stages of completion, and the tough part was making sure I placed them in one of the following categories: Pursue: Keep moving forward on the project. Pause:

Assessing Priorities

I recently assessed everything I had going on, and the first place I decided to look was the aspect of my life that would have the greatest impact on my projects and workflow: my priorities. By reassessing priorities first, the rest of the assessment becomes more aligned not only with where I am now…but with