Mike Vardy

A Look Back At The 2015 World Domination Summit

The World Domination Summit provides me a respite from the day to day, gives me some time to really be alone in my own thoughts when I want to be, and galvanizes me for the months to come. WDS isn’t just my recharge. It’s my reset.

The Psychology of Procrastination and How to Avoid It

Paul is a productivity blogger who loves helping people improve their productivity so they can get more out of life. Learn more about how Paul works by checking out his free 7-Day Productivity Plan. Do you ever suffer with procrastination? You know what you need to do, but actually starting that thing is tough, right?

Do YOUR Things

Your things rarely come from your email inbox or direct message. They come from what is derived from those emails and those messages. Yet so many times we go to those platforms to see what things are there for us…even if they aren’t our things to do (or to do next).

The Zoomout Chart: How to Stay Present and Motivated

The Zoomout Chart is a reminder board you can either print and display on your desk or simply have as an open document on your computer. I personally use it by setting it as my home screen on my computer browser, so I see it every time I open a new browser tab.

I’m A Night Owl (And Proud Of It)

Look, I’m a night owl – and proud of it. Why? Because despite having many say that my sleeping habits make me less likely to achieve I prove them wrong. I don’t just do that every once in a while. I do it every single day.

Diving Deeper Into Dropbox: The Ultimate Unofficial Dropbox Guide

I’ve been a Dropbox user for as long as I can remember. The thing is, I feel as if I’ve used it in the same way that I initially used Evernote – by throwing a lot at it and not necessarily organizing it while doing so. I know there’s a lot more Dropbox can do for me and my productivity. It’s time I start to make it happen and The Ultimate Unofficial Dropbox Guide is the key.

Practical Productivity: Personalize Your Own Process

The world of productivity is overflowing with amazing thinkers, innovative methods, and practical software tools. However, I believe the most effective solutions are often developed on a person-by-person basis, with productivity methods that are designed to suit your exact needs.

How Did Ben Franklin and Isaac Newton Accomplish the Work of 10 People? Rigorous Note Taking

Benjamin Franklin was nothing if not diversified in his talents. The Founding Father was a printer, scientist, inventor, diplomat, postmaster general, educator, philosopher, entrepreneur, library curator, and America’s first researcher to win an international scientific reputation for his studies in electrical theory. He even made contributions to knowledge of the Gulf Stream.

How did he do it? By keeping up a highly structured daily schedule and tracking the results.