Be Nimble

The weather in Victoria is pretty rainy from November through to May. We do, however, occasionally get a couple of bright days here and there. So when Victorians have a chance to go outside and enjoy the sun (whether through yard work or leisure activities), we take it.

During one particular March weekend a few years back, there was one such window of sunny weather. And I took full advantage of it.

Even though a had a lot of writing that I had lined up to do that weekend, some indoor work that could have been done, and a couple of books I wanted to start getting into, I worked on getting the garden ready for food planting instead.

I hadn’t planned on doing that, but the weather led me to change my plans. I decided to take advantage of the rare sunny window while it presented itself. So I restructured my weekend and made it work.

I decided to make good on a lesson I learned while working at Costco from its founder Jim Sinegal.

I decided to be nimble.

If you put yourself in a position where you can be nimble with your tasks, then you’re going to better able to serve them. It’s that perfect storm – no pun intended – of partnering up your intentions with your attention.

That’s the sweet spot.

Being nimble gives you the freedom to be in control of whatever productivity system you use…instead of it being the other way around.

You’re steering clear of doing productive and you wind up being productive.

You’re using both the time and your time wisely.

And that will lead to more sunny days for you, no matter what it looks like outside.

Photo credit: shazam791 (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)