Being Taken to Task

Earlier today1 we released the latest episode of the Mikes on Mics podcast, where Michael Schechter (the fine gentleman behind A Better Mess) and yours truly talked about task managers.

Here are some highlights:

  1. You should use one.
  2. This Mike likes Asana.
  3. The other Mike likes OmniFocus.2

We even deliver a shout out to Rob Cottingham regarding one of his recent Noise to Signal cartoons (of which I’ve always been a big fan).

You can listen to Episode 5 of the Mikes on Mics podcast here.

Photo credit: Tom Magliery (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

1That’s 3 posts in one day for me. Highly unusual, but let’s just say I’m making up for lost time.
2Not a chance I’m linking to Schecky’s blog on this one. (Maniacal laugh)