Big Week

Lots going on with yours truly this week. A whole lot of lots.

Posting here has been fairly regular (although not as regular as I’d like) and the book is in its final stages (which is a really good thing). Lifehack is keeping me pretty busy, but apparently not busy enough because I’ve got a few things going on – and coming up – that I wanted to highlight here going to a long weekend up here in my home and native land.

Mikes on Mics

This week’s Mikes on Mics featured just the Mike that is not me and me chatting about getting “clear”. Here’s the skinny on what to expect:

“Clearing space for yourself is essential, both mentally and literally. Vardy describes how he get through the minutia to get his three big rocks done every day and Schechter shares the one thing you often have to eliminate in order to accomplish what you really hope to achieve. Join two guys who tend to take on more than they can manage for a conversation on how to finish the things that matter most.”

You can grab the episode and subscribe to future ones over at 70Decibels, the podcast network that we really enjoy being a part of.1

Northern Voice

The cat is officially out of the bag: I’ll be speaking at Northern Voice 2012. What is Northern Voice? I’ll let the event explain itself:

“In 2005, the organizers of Canada’s first weblogging social media conference put on an event that was inexpensive, informal, and accessible to techies and newbies alike. From those humble beginnings Northern Voice has been transformed into… well, actually it’s still cheap, friendly and open to all. We still emphasize the personal nature of the conference, encouraging people to find their voice and share their experiences online.”

And what will I speaking about? My talk is called Better Blogging Productivity: Making Time for The Write Stuff. What will I talk about exactly? Well…

“This session focuses on how online writers/bloggers can best map out their time using different tools, tactics and strategies to get writing done. I will cite examples from my own schedule (as well as the schedule of other prominent bloggers) in order to offer varying perspectives considering each person has different challenges that they face in their lives. I’ll discuss how to capture ideas, flesh them out and map out the process of blogging regularly from start to finish, and it will be suited for everyday bloggers to those who write less frequently.”

Northern Voice takes place June 15 and 16 in Vancouver, BC (I’m speaking on the 16th at 11 am in what I’ve been told is a fairly sizable space). Tickets are going quickly, so grab ’em while you can.

Now…back to the book.

Photo credit: Chris Campbell (CC BY-NC 2.0)

2 As opposed to other people who have left another podcast network.