My Next Gig

This post is late for a reason. My next gig took precedence today while I start to figure out a new workflow strategy. What is my next gig, you ask?
My next gig: Canada + Apps Editor at The Next Web. And I’m very excited to be part of the TNW team.

That said, I’m no longer the editor at Work Awesome; this next gig just happened to come along very quickly after wrapping up my duties at my old gig. Working for Envato was a tremendous experience and I’ll always be grateful for the opportunity. I’m also stoked that I’ve been asked by the new owner of Work Awesome to stay on as host, producer and editor of the Work Awesome podcast.1

I’m in the midst of getting used to my new surroundings, so I’m going to be posting here Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so that I don’t spread myself out too thin. I’ve got another gig (or four) that I want to be able to keep up with, so each of them will have to have some adjustments applied to their schedules. I want to fit everything into my week without overwhelming me — or take away from my “family gig”.

But even though I won’t be here every day, you can join me at The Next Web each and every weekday.2 If you’ve got anything for me that’s either app-related or deals with the web and The Great White North, drop me a line. And even if you don’t, It’ll be good to have you along for the ride to see what’s, well…next.

1 I am still the Tuts+ Marketplace Business Reviewer at Envato, and when the new owner of Work Awesome reveals themselves I’ll be sure to update you here. Oh, and if you want to be on the Work Awesome podcast and feel you’ve got something to offer, let me know.
2 …with the odd weekend post in there as well.