Rdio has to be loving this…

Today, Ben Brooks over at The Brooks Review pointed out that anyone who wants to sign up for Spotify from now on can only do so via their Facebook account. Thankfully, I’m in Canada and can’t legitimately use Spotify.1 Further thankfully, I’m an Rdio guy.2 With Facebook moving its “furniture” around on a regular basis —

Sunday Song: The Remedy

I talked about this song here. Only fitting I show it to you here.1 1. Possibly after any obligatory YouTube advertisement, of course.

The Journey to Markdown: On the iPhone

This one wasn’t exactly the easiest part of the journey. Not because Markdown on the iPhone is any different, but it is more challenging to find a reason to use it on the iPhone –especially since I have an iPad. That said, I gave it a whirl and here’s what I came up with: Not

On Not Writing

There are days when a writer simply doesn’t want to pick up her pen, strike a key or say a word that will wind up forming something much longer. There are days when the drudgery of the day keeps the muse at bay. There are days when you can attempt to beat resistance, but you

Not a Stunt

The web is a stunty place. Really stunty. Heck, by using a word like “stunty” that doesn’t even exist, I’m doing a little bit of stunty right here and now. Folks trying to grab your attention with stunts that grab you so that you stick around for the rest of the show — their show

On Sagas and Legacies

A saga is defined as “a long, detailed account” by Merriam-Webster. I’d describe the drama at TechCrunch over the past few weeks as a saga. The Star Wars saga is an example of a saga that I enjoyed, until its legacy was tarnished by: Going to the well too many times; Making changes that diluted

The Art of Selecting

“One option is no option. Two options is a dilemma. Three options is a choice” ~ Anthony Robbins I’ve paid particular attention to this quote over the past few weeks, as I make my way into a working life that involves more of a choice and less of a dilemma. Becoming more thoughtful about what


On the 68th episode of Enough that discussed Twitter apps, Myke asked Patrick whether or not he used any sort of “push” notification service. Myke did say he that he knew better than to ask, because the answer was “no”. I’ve used push notifications on my iPhone and iPad ever since I unboxed them. At