Decluttering iStuff: iOS Twitter Apps

In my last installment of the Decluttering iStuff series, I purged all but two of my third-party camera apps from my iPhone. This time around, I have the more daunting task of eliminating a ton of Twitter apps from both my iPhone and iPad. I suppose that some of the apps I’m eliminating don’t just […]

Doing a CBC Radio Thing

This morning I’m appearing on CBC Radio One’s On The Island, where I’ll be talking with this week’s host David Lennam about a bunch of lifehackery stuff. Ira Glass, host of the NPR program This American Life, had this to say about Canada’s public broadcaster: “I feel like there are more things on the CBC

Over. Under. End.

The Over I’ve been overcome with emotion lately; it can be seen in much of what has been written here…like in this piece. I’ve been overwrought. Knowing that I’ve been steps away from either taking yet another big leap or from running in the other direction. I’ve been overwhelmed, mainly due to overcommitment. The resulting

The Power of Intention is Fleeting

The power of intention is a misnomer — and it’s fleeting unless you have more than just intent to do something. Intending to do something is a great notion, but it’s just that: a notion. Until you actually do the “something”, it’s nothing more. You can’t use the notion that you intend to do something

Laurel Resting

There’s nothing wrong with resting. Everyone needs to rest. It allows you to come back fresh and do really great stuff. There’s nothing wrong with comfort. Everyone needs comfort. It allows you to focus less on what you are good at so that you can work to get better at other aspects of what can

The Worst Kind of Hat

I’m not a hat person. I rarely wear them, as my head generally doesn’t suit them…and I’m afraid of the (possible) myth that wearing hats speeds up the thinning of one’s hair. I wear only one hat — a black baseball cap — that I wear from time to time (when I’m camping, for example)

Simply Podtastic: My 2011 Essential Podcast Diet

I tend to listen to a lot of podcasts, borderline on being a bit of a junkie. I listen mainly when I’m unwinding from the day, doing yard work, commuting and doing housework. If I’m not blaring something from my Rdio collection, I’ve got a podcast doing the blaring instead. The problem with a heavy

Decluttering iStuff: iPhone Camera Apps

I have a ton of camera apps on my iPhone, even though I would never claim to be anything but a mild hobbyist when it comes to taking photographs. This makes culling this type of app the ideal place to start in the Decluttering iStuff series. First off, when decluttering any of my iStuff, price

Apple will win the case war

Why? Because it has the resources to alter the footprint of its products with such frequency that third-party creators can’t possibly keep up. Because consumers will stop buying from said creators due to frustration in having to ditch a case when they pick up the latest iThing. The Smart Cover appears as if it will