How to Get Back on Track in January

Let me be clear: there are many of you have kept up with your resolutions, and that’s great. But I know there are more that haven’t. And that’s also cool because I’m about to offer some ways to get back on track with the time left in January.

How to Start and Keep a Journal in Evernote

One of the best things you can do to clear your head and to improve your level of self-awareness is to journal. There is nothing quite like being able to empty out your thoughts in a place that is for you and you alone. Journaling allows you to reflect and then adjust your plan for tomorrow and beyond.

Seeing Through The Fog

Not sure what to do next? Here’s how you can leverage that moment into making you more productive.

The Productivityist Podcast 74: Dmitri Leonov

This week on the show I speak with Dmitri Leonov, co-founder of SaneBox. We talk about why it isn’t always a good idea to use every aspect of a tool (SaneBox naturally gets mentioned here) and a ton of other thoughts surrounding a productivity pain point for many: email.

The Productivityist Podcast 73: Cal Newport

To ring in 2016, on this episode of the show I speak with my friend Cal Newport, the author of So Good They Can’t Ignore You and his latest effort, Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World.