What I’ve Learned From The Productivityist Reader Survey

The results of my first reader survey have been tabulated, a little more than six weeks after asking people to take it. I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to answer the questions;1 the goal is to use those answers to help shape the future of this site and my work.

Now I’m going to share some of the data with you…

  • Based on the survey, the majority of my audience is male — over 75%.
  • The majority of my readers are between the ages of 35 and 44, but the age ranges of 25-34 and 45-54 also scored high.
  • 62% of my audience are based in the USA. My fellow Canadians came in second — but a very distant second.
  • It turns out that not one single range of readership longevity outpaced another by all that much, but the highest tally was for those who have been reading Productivityist for 1-2 years.
  • Many of you have gone to post-secondary school. In fact, most of you have either received your Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree. 45% of my audience earns over $70,000 in household income per year and 50% of you work for someone full time.

Many of the other questions were fairly open-ended, allowing me to get feedback on what you’re looking for me now and down the road here at Productivityist. With that in mind, here’s some of what I’ve concluded based on some of the answers given:

  1. You like the bi-weekly newsletter format. An overwhelming majority of you indicated that delivering The Productivityist Newsletter bi-weekly is best, so I’ll keep doing that. You can subscribe to the newsletter here. (That doesn’t mean that the odd ad-hoc email won’t make its way to your inbox, but those instances will be few and far between.)
  2. I need to do a better job on the podcasting side of things. A lot of you that listen to Mikes on Mics have liked the shift to the new format, but many feel there’s still a void from when I used to do solo podcasting. So I’ll be bringing back a solo podcast — named The Productivityist Podcast – starting early next month. I’ll share more details on the new podcast later this week.
  3. You want me to make more stuff. Beyond the new podcast, you want me to create more products that I can offer, more posts that offer a deeper dive into best practices (not just my own, either), and get better while doing so. I received a lot of “keep up the great work” comments as well, which I not only appreciate but will use as fuel to make more stuff (and not forsake quality for quantity in the process).

There were a lot of ideas left for me to consider, and I am weighing each and every one of them. I spent the better part of the last two weeks mapping out my Idea Calendar so that I can bring some of these ideas to life over the next several months, and I can’t wait to unleash them as they become ready for primetime.

Thanks again to all of you that participated in the survey. I really appreciate you taking the time to help me make things better here for my readership — and that includes you!

(And thanks to Michael Hyatt for putting the idea in my head to conduct the reader survey in the first place.)

Photo credit: yarranz via SXC.HU

1 By the way, the next time I conduct one of these I’ll make it a bit more streamlined. After all, that was one of the other suggestions I received.