
Goodbye Google: Getting Out of Gmail

After removing some of the smaller portions of Google from my Internet life last time, I thought I’d take on something a bit more challenging this time around: Gmail I knew that leaving Gmail was going to be really difficult. In fact, I’d say that it was going to be the hardest of the easiest […]

More Roar: OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

So today, I woke up. And there was this: Looks almost like it should be called iOS X 10.8. And that’s not a bad thing. (via macstories and valonw)

Oh, Canada: A Siri-ous Flaw

While traveling in the US, I finally had the opportunity to unleash the full power of Siri — and I realized just how much we’re missing out on the experience here in my home and native land. Siri can do pretty much everything here that it can do in the US. But it can’t “look

Goodbye Google: The First Steps

A couple of weeks back I mentioned that I’d pretty much had it with Google and was looking to – as my Internet Friend and podcast co-host Michael Schechter put it – “vote with my data” by divorcing myself as much as possible from their monolithic web presence and services. I’m not going to dive

Goodbye Google: Why I’m Untethering from All Things Google

What have I gotten myself into? Yesterday on Twitter I was engaged in a series of conversations that was spawned by this tweet I’d sent out: In fact, I am going to make a concerted effort to untether my online life from Google, using many of the resources mentioned during that barrage of tweets that

The Journey to Keyboard Maestro: The Series

My last journey went over so well that I think it’s time that I take another. I had a few ideas where to venture into this time, but there was one that kept pulling me in no matter what I tried to do to steer clear. It’s not because I don’t want to go down

Decluttering iStuff: Calendars

I’m at the time of year where I begin to map out the coming year – not with mind mapping apps1, but on my various calendars. My family routinely receives/orders a wall calendar that has photos of our closest relatives on my wife’s side, mainly (and appropriately) featuring the kids. So my wife uses that

On Enough: How Bare is My Air?

I was asked to be a guest on Enough: The Minimal Mac Podcast — one of my favourites — with Patrick Rhone and Myke Hurley this week, and it was an honour and privilege to oblige. I’ve been a big fan of Patrick’s work for, like, ever and Myke’s put together a stellar lineup of

Decluttering iStuff: Task Management Apps

Note: This piece is a bit dated. I’ll be updating it in the coming weeks, but in the interim you may want to check out my Task Management Tools page. It’s been a while since I’ve decluttered anything. Too long of a while. So, today I am tackling a doozy: iOS Task Management apps. Those