
The Journey to Markdown: On Day One

“Well, this is going to be interesting.” – Yours truly on learning Markdown The first thoughts I had when I took on this challenge was whether or not I’d be able to find the time to do it…even though I’ve been told it wouldn’t take up all that much time to begin with. I’m working […]

The Journey to Markdown

I tweeted a month ago that I was going to take the leap and try my hand at Markdown, considering that I’ve heard nothing but praise for the language from the likes of: Merlin Mann David Sparks … and its co-creator, John Gruber Some of you know what Markdown is, some don’t. Here’s the Coles

Everything Must Go…Almost

And I thought that my whittling down of apps was pretty drastic. Chris Smith over at Stepcase Lifehack went full declutter on his apps — basically an “app diet” of sorts. Why’d he do it? How’d he do it? It’s all there — along with a bit of a “throwing of the gauntlet” to readers.

Decluttering iStuff: iPhone Travel Apps

As I continue to whittle down my apps thanks to the Decluttering iStuff series, it’s time that I really lighten the load of my iPhone. Since I like to travel light, there’s no more fitting type of app that should get the nod than apps that are related to travelling. Much like the Twitter app

Decluttering iStuff: Mac Writing Applications

It’s fitting that this is the first week I begin culling the underused applications from my Mac, seeing as I’ve just acquired a shiny new 11-inch MacBook Air. My old machine (2007 model 15-inch MacBook Pro) was equipped with a 320 GB hard drive. Even by going for the higher end stock unit, my new notebook

Decluttering iStuff: iOS Twitter Apps

In my last installment of the Decluttering iStuff series, I purged all but two of my third-party camera apps from my iPhone. This time around, I have the more daunting task of eliminating a ton of Twitter apps from both my iPhone and iPad. I suppose that some of the apps I’m eliminating don’t just

Decluttering iStuff: iPhone Camera Apps

I have a ton of camera apps on my iPhone, even though I would never claim to be anything but a mild hobbyist when it comes to taking photographs. This makes culling this type of app the ideal place to start in the Decluttering iStuff series. First off, when decluttering any of my iStuff, price

The Productivityist OmniFocus Themes

While I’ve never used anything but the stock OmniFocus theme before, my pal CM Smith (who helped me shape the look of this site) was inspired to put together some custom themes on the heels of the news that I’ll be sitting on The OmniFocus Setup panel in late January during MacWorld|iWorld. He created both

Decluttering iStuff: The Series

Like any gadget freak, I tend to get overenthusiastic whenever I buy a new toy. And that quality has been elevated with the arrive of the iPhone and iPad, because buying those devices is really just the beginning. And there really is no ending. In short, I’ve got a lot of apps on both devices.