
Blah, Blah, Blog

The word “blog” has become a thorn in the side of many of us who write online, and it boils down to one big reason: Devaluation. The term “blog” devalues the craft of writing – at least it does now. That’s because content farms hire “bloggers” to write stuff for them at a pittance of […]

The Productive Macs Bundle Returns

Today marks the return of Apparent Software’s productivity app package known as the Productive Macs bundle — and this year’s included apps are pretty darn stellar. And you can save 85% by buying them in the bundle — they’re usually $264 separately. Productive Macs is offering them all for just $39.99. Included in the 8 app bundle

My Year-End Online Home Renovation

So after many, many years of trying, I managed to finally acquire my very own “dot-com”. As in, I was kind of caught off guard when I found out that it had become available; the person who had it before had it for what seemed like forever. I put it to Google+ as to

Path: The App First Opened

This comes from Mike Gowen, who has taken part in answering a question on Quora about the reason Path added sleeping1 as one of its five moment types: “It also has an interesting (and possibly unintended) side effect, in that it positions itself as the first app you are compelled to open when you wake

Review: Pilot Hi-Tec-C Pen

After proudly displaying my setup a while back, I wound up striking up an online conversation with Brad over at JetPens. Seeing that I’m a bit of a pen/pencil/paper junkie, he sent me some stuff to play with.1 The second item I’m going to offer up for review is the Pilot Hi-Tec-C gel ink pen I

Movember: Day Thirty

So…it’s done. I shaved off my mo’ and won’t be growing another one. I’m glad I pitched in to help fight prostate cancer this time around by putting my upper lip on the block, but next time I’ll be doing the donating. I’m not a fan of me in a moustache — and neither is

Hello, Stamped. Welcome Back, Path.

Today I’ll be going to a local meetup that focuses on apps, organized by my good friend Dan Parks on a regular basis. The guy gives those that attend some printed packages on what he’s discussing to take home. He goes to a lot of trouble and puts in more effort than most would for

A Commentary on Comments

Today I noticed more discussion on various blogs regarding the closing off of comments to readers. I know several writers have done this – some very recently and some quite some time ago – and while I respect their thoughts on the matter, I also respectfully disagree with them. The great part about allowing comments

I Can’t Quit You, OmniFocus

It’s like the folks at The Omni Group know they have so many of us over a barrel. A tremendously organized barrel. As someone who has dabbled on a ton of productivity-type apps, I just can’t seem to shake OmniFocus. And that’s not a bad thing, but it is a thing. It’s a thing in