
37 Life Lessons in 37 Years

While my neighbours to the south celebrate their nation’s birthday, I celebrated mine yesterday. After the craziness of my month of travel (better known as June), my family and I chilled out at home and enjoyed the day with some Devil’s Food cupcakes. And as I took the time to reflect on my 37 years, […]

Happy Canada Day

I’ll be back next week with a new posting schedule. In the meantime, Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canucks and I’ll see you Monday.

The World Domination Summit Experience

After about four days of “decompressing”, I am now able to offer my impressions of the overall experience. It was mind-blowing.There. I’ve said it. The World Domination Summit, organized by the travel-hacking non-conformist Chris Guillebeau and his amazing crew of ambassadors and volunteers was simply the best “conference-type thing” I have ever attended. Period. First

How to Blog Funny

I’m going to be talking about “funny blogging” today at Northern Voice. Whether those attending my session laugh with me or at me, at least there will be laughter. If you’re attending this legendary conference, look for me. I’m the guy with the red 43folders shirt. If not, follow the goings-on on the Twitter. The

Keeping It Straight

Patrick Rhone has written an incredible book that came out yesterday. It’s called Keeping It Straight: You, Me and Everything Else and he was kind enough to provide an advance copy for me to read. And read it I did.1 The timing of this book’s release couldn’t have been better, considering my foray into full

The New PlayStation 3 Advertisement (Parody)

Sony has always been good at coming up with great advertisements for its PlayStation 3 (perhaps not so good at security, though). I’m betting they don’t run with this one. It’s kinda NSFW. via rickymachinima.1 1 Kudos to Matthew Panzarino for spotting this.

The Beastie Boys Deliver the Hot Awesomesauce

The Beastie Boys have another album up their sleeves, which is awesome enough. Their companion video “Fight For Your Right – Revisited” is the most awesome thing I’ve seen (in terms of music videos) in a long time.

Release the Cranking

On Friday, I was ready to start cranking out an article for today, but hadn’t written a word of it before hitting the RSS feed reader. As I was going through my feeds, I decided I wasn’t cranking out anything for today. No words, no image, nothing. Why? Because you need to go and read

Really Simply Structured: My RSS Feed Strategy

I’m a big fan of RSS. Too big of a fan, perhaps. So much so, that I’ve had to implement my own RSS feed strategy. I define it as one that’s really simply structured. For those that don’t know, RSS is generally understood as an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. Basically, when you subscribe to